Visit Singapore Account APIs - New login method for mobile number users

26 Jan 2022

Visit Singapore Account APIs (v2.0) have been introduced to enable a more seamless experience. Users can now sign up or login to your applications and websites using their mobile number, where previously only email and social accounts were allowed. Read our VS Account Technical Integration Guide to learn more about how to integrate your applications or websites with the Visit Singapore Account service.

Please note that Visit Singapore Account APIs v1.0 will be... Read more

Content Provider and Enhanced Navigation Services APIs-Versioned Changes

5 Feb 2021

Content Provider APIs

An updated version (v1.1) for Content Provider has been introduced to streamline the content contribution process for developers. The updated version to create and update content will no longer have the following fields:

  1. SingaporeTourismAwards
  2. Contact > otherContactNo
  3. OpeningHours
  4. Pricing > seniorCitizen
  5. Pricing > child
  6. Pricing > adult
  7. FrequencyofTours
  8. TourOperatingHours
  9. majorStops

All v1.0 of... Read more

Deals APIs

6 Jan 2021

We have introduced a suite of Deals APIs. The APIs can return a wide list of valid promotions linked to the Product & Experience listings, allowing you to provide value-added services to your customers. Deals APIs can also be used to create Deals on TIH and to add deals content in additional languages (ZH, JP, KR).

Content APIs – New content fields: SG Clean, Temporarily Closed

18 Dec 2020

We are introducing new content fields to allow your applications to contribute and retrieve content for: ​

  • Temporarily closed POIs and
  • POIs certified SG Clean and/or Singapore Tourism Award.

1. APIs with temporarily closed POIs

You can use temporarily closed as input parameter for content provider APIs for these 8 categories: Accommodations, Attractions, Bars & Clubs, Cruises, Food & Beverages, Malls & Shops, Tours, Venues.

You can find temporarily closed as an output response in... Read more

Itinerary Planner API

18 Dec 2019

We have introduced a suite of Itinerary Planner APIs which can be used by your customers to create a Singapore-based itinerary on your app or website. You may also generate suggested itineraries through the use of these APIs.