Content Provider APIs

An updated version (v1.1) for Content Provider has been introduced to streamline the content contribution process for developers. The updated version to create and update content will no longer have the following fields:

  1. SingaporeTourismAwards
  2. Contact > otherContactNo
  3. OpeningHours
  4. Pricing > seniorCitizen
  5. Pricing > child
  6. Pricing > adult
  7. FrequencyofTours
  8. TourOperatingHours
  9. majorStops

All v1.0 of Content Provider APIs to create and update content will be deprecated on August 13, 2021.


Enhanced Navigation Services APIs

An updated version (v1.1) of experientialRouteByMode API is introduced for developers to have a smoother experience using API Products on TIH. The updated version involves aligning the following response attributes to be closer to the other API products.

  1. Will include “businessHour” field in response payload.
  2. The field name “type” will be changed to “dataset”.
  3. The field name “place_id” will be changed to “googleID”.

v1.0 of experientialRouteByMode API will be deprecated on August 13, 2021.