We are introducing new content fields to allow your applications to contribute and retrieve content for: ​

  • Temporarily closed POIs and
  • POIs certified SG Clean and/or Singapore Tourism Award.

1. APIs with temporarily closed POIs

You can use temporarily closed as input parameter for content provider APIs for these 8 categories: Accommodations, Attractions, Bars & Clubs, Cruises, Food & Beverages, Malls & Shops, Tours, Venues.

You can find temporarily closed as an output response in:

2. APIs with POIs certified SG Clean and/or Singapore Tourism Award

You can retrieve and filter content which are certified SG Clean and/or Singapore Tourism Award in all content categories.

You can query this new parameter i.e. group (SGClean, STA) in searchKeywordByMultiDataset API and content user APIs via search[category name]ByKeyword.

You can find Group as an output response in: