Create Attractions


Create Attractions

Allow the creation of an Attractions POI. To create successfully, the following input parameters are mandatory: name, type, tags, description and body.

Resource URL /attractions/v2

Header Parameters

Name Values Description

Format of the request body sent. Accepts only application/json.


Supported language [en | zh-cn | zh-tw | ja | ko].
Validation: acceptable language code


JSON which holds all the properties of the Attraction to be created.

Request Attributes

Parameter Name Type Max Length Description Example
namestring255Name of the record.
Validation: profanity/offensive words check
TIH Theme Park
typestring255Type in which the record belongs to. Refer to Content Type for Attractions.
Validation: acceptable type value
tagsarrayTags pertaining to the record. Refer to Tags.
Validation: acceptable tag value(s)
["Activities", "Attractions", "Outdoors"]
descriptionstringAn overview to help visitors understand the key features of the record/ listing.
Validation: profanity/offensive words check
Exciting activities await at TIH Theme Park, Singapore's first folklore-themed amusement park
bodystringBody of the record to provide a detailed description of the Place of Interest to help visitors understand the key features of the record/ listing.
Validation: profanity/offensive words check
TIH Theme Park showcases fun and exciting rides, attractions and performances based on Singapore's most popular folklore stories. Join your favourite iconic characters, Sang Nila Utama, Badang and Radin Mas, on a historic adventure that's sure to get your adrenaline pumping!
location.latitudenumberLocation - Latitude value.
Validation: range from -90 to 90
location.longitudenumberLocation - Longitude value.
Validation: range from -180 to 180
address.blockstring10Address - Block Number.123
address.streetNamestring32Address - Street Name.TIH Road
address.floorNumberstring3Address - Floor Number.1
address.unitNumberstring5Address - Unit Number.123
address.buildingNamestring66Address - Building Name.TIH Building
address.postalCodestring6Address - Postal Code.123456
nearestMrtStationstring255Nearest MRT Station of the record.TIH Station
contact.primaryContactNostring16Primary contact number of the record.
Validation: contact number with international prefix symbol
+65 61234567
contact.secondaryContactNostring16Secondary contact number of the record.
Validation: contact number with international prefix symbol
+65 61234568
officialEmailstring255Official email of the record.
Validation: Email format
officialWebsitestring255Official website of the record.
ticketedstring1Field to declare if the attraction admission is ticketed. Boolean value of Y|N.
Validation: acceptable boolean flag value
pricing.othersstring255Price details for others.$15
admissionInfostringOpen on all days
amenitiesstring255Useful facilities found in the record. Use comma as separator for multiple entities.Free Wi-Fi, Wheelchair Accessible
businessHour.daystring255Day of the week.monday
businessHour.dailybooleanBoolean flag to indicate if store is open on all days of week, possible value true|false.
Validation: acceptable boolean flag value
businessHour.openTimestring255Opening time in hour and mins.
Validation: hh:mm format
businessHour.closeTimestring255Closing time in hour and mins.
Validation: hh:mm format
businessHour.descriptionstring255Description about the open and close time on holiday/weekend.Close on public holidays
businessHour.sequenceNumberintegerSequence Number.
Validation: integer
businessHourNotes.notesstring100Description about the business hours note.Opens only on Mondays
temporarilyClosedstring1Temporarily closed of the record, possible value Y|N or blank.
Validation: acceptable value
groupstring255Group field to indicate if the record is related to wellness, possible value Wellness or blank.
Validation: acceptable value
thumbnailsarrayThumbnail image pertaining to the record.
thumbnails["uuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901abc12abcd1abc1234
thumbnails["libraryUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901xyy12abcd1abc1234
thumbnails["primaryFileMediumUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901acc12abcd1abc1234
thumbnails["url"]string255Media file url. Provide url for external media or url generated from uploading media to TIH repository using Media Image API.
imagesarrayImages pertaining to the record.
images["uuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901abc12abcd1abc1234
images["libraryUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901xyy12abcd1abc1234
images["primaryFileMediumUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901acc12abcd1abc1234
images["url"]string255Media file url. Provide url for external media or url generated from uploading media to TIH repository using Media Image API.
documentsarrayDocument pertaining to the record.
documents["uuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901abc12abcd1abc1234
documents["libraryUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901xyy12abcd1abc1234
documents["primaryFileMediumUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901acc12abcd1abc1234
documents["url"]string255Media file url. Provide url for external media or url generated from uploading media to TIH repository using Media Document or Video API.
videosarrayVideos pertaining to the record.
videos["uuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901abc12abcd1abc1234
videos["libraryUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901xyy12abcd1abc1234
videos["primaryFileMediumUuid"]string255Attribute used to uniquely identify a record in TIH. Provide uuid if using media in TIH.00290ed12345678901acc12abcd1abc1234
videos["url"]string255Media file url. Provide url for external media or url generated from uploading media to TIH repository using Media Document or Video API.

Response Error Details

HTTP Code Description
400 Bad Request — Request was not accepted and could be due to malformed parameter (e.g. spelling error) or missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorised — API key is invalid or was not provided.
403 Forbidden — API key does not have the permission to perform the request.
404 Resource Not Found — Requested resource (i.e. the resource URL) does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed — The HTTP request method is not supported by the resource.
406 Not Acceptable — Requester's acceptable content type for the response does not match the content type returned by the resource.
414 Request URL Too Long — Request URL exceeded the maximum acceptable URL length.
415 Unsupported Media Type — Request's format is not supported by the resource.
422 Unprocessable Entity — Request was not accepted, often due to semantic errors, such as data format.
500 Server Errors — Something is not working on TIH's end, happened very rarely.

Resource Summary

Security Content Type Category

OAuth 2.0




JSON which holds all the properties of the Attraction to be created.