


This API offers requesters the historical and estimated Visitor Arrival information. Requesters can define the time period, visitors' place of residence or the desired forecasted GDP growth rate to refine the query results. As part of the response, the API will produce the corresponding year, quarter and Visitor Arrival numbers.

Time period refers to the quarters between startYear and startQuarter to endYear and endQuarter inclusive. If endYear and endQuarter are not provided, time period refers to a single quarter referenced by startYear and startQuarter. Time period cannot start earlier than Q1 2008 and cannot end later than 4 quarters after last historical quarter.

Resource URL /v1/arrival/model/forecast

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Starting year of time period, inclusive. Value must be 2008 or later. Refer to API Description for valid time periods.


Quarter of starting year, inclusive. Only integers between 1 and 4 (i.e. Q1, Q4) are valid. Refer to API Description for valid time periods.


Ending year of time period, inclusive. endYear and endQuarter must not be earlier than startYear and startQuarter, and must be omitted or provided together. Refer to API Description for valid time periods.


Quarter of ending year, inclusive. Only integers between 1 and 4 (i.e. Q1, Q4) are valid. endYear and endQuarter must not be earlier than startYear and startQuarter, and must be omitted or provided together. Refer to API Description for valid time periods.


Visitors’ place of residence [Australia | China | India | Indonesia | Malaysia | Global]. Defaults to Global forecast if not specified.


Forecasted year-on-year growth rate of Singapore’s GDP. Assumed to compound at same rate for all future years within query time period. Valid inputs are a decimal value ranging between -0.15 (i.e. -15% growth rate) and 0.15 (i.e. 15% growth rate). Defaults to International Monetary Fund forecast if not specified.

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HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



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Response Error Details

HTTP Code Error Code Description
400 400 Bad request
401 401 Unauthorized
404 404 Not Found
500 500 Internal Server Error

Resource Summary

Security Category

Visitor Arrivals
