Recommend Itinerary


Recommend Itinerary

Allow authorised client applications to generate a recommended itinerary.

Resource URL /recommendations

Header Parameters

Name Values Description

Language of Places of Interest retrieved for the recommended itinerary.

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Date that the visitor arrives in Singapore.
The duration between startDate and endDate allows a maximum of 7 days.
The startDate must be before the endDate.
Format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2022-01-29)


Date that the visitor departs from Singapore.
The duration between startDate and endDate allows a maximum of 7 days.
The endDate must be after the startDate.
Format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2022-01-30)


Time that the visitor arrives in Singapore.
Format: hh:mm (e.g. 13:00)


Time that the visitor departs from Singapore.
Format: hh:mm (e.g. 22:00)


Return recommendations based on interests. Accept one or more comma-delimited string of interests. When unspecified, recommendations in the response will not be limited to any interests (e.g. “food, shopping”).
Available values : arts_culture, entertainment_nightlife, food, history_heritage, shopping, sport_outdoors


Return recommendations based on nationality. Accept only one nationality value. When unspecified, default is set to “Others”.

Response Error Details

HTTP Code Description
400 Bad Request — Request was not accepted and could be due to malformed parameter (e.g. spelling error) or missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorised — API key is invalid or was not provided.
403 Forbidden — API key does not have the permission to perform the request.
404 Resource Not Found — Requested resource (i.e. the resource URL) does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed — The HTTP request method is not supported by the resource.
406 Not Acceptable — Requester's acceptable content type for the response does not match the content type returned by the resource.
414 Request URL Too Long — Request URL exceeded the maximum acceptable URL length.
415 Unsupported Media Type — Request's format is not supported by the resource.
422 Unprocessable Entity — Request was not accepted, often due to semantic errors, such as data format.
500 Server Errors — Something is not working on TIH's end, happened very rarely.

Resource Summary

Security Category

Itinerary Planner APIs
