Search Leisure Events By Keyword or UUIDs


Search Leisure Events By Keyword or UUIDs

Perform a search on all Leisure Events using keyword or uuids as searchType parameter. For search by keyword, the keyword will match with names, descriptions and tags, returning you the most relevant Events.

Resource URL /events/v2/search

Header Parameters

Name Values Description

Format of the request body sent. Accepts only application/json.


Supported language [en | zh-cn | zh-tw | ja | ko].
Validation: acceptable language code

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Search type [keyword | uuids].
Validation: acceptable value


For searchType using keyword:
Provide keyword(s) to look for within name, description, body and tags when performing the search function.
Max: 255 characters

For searchType using uuids:
Attribute used to uniquely identify Events. This API allows the retrieval of multiple uuids. Use comma as separator for multiple uuids.
Validation: valid uuid(s).
E.g. uuid1,uuid2


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
Event start date.
Validation: date format in YYYY-MM-DD


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
Event end date.
Validation: date format in YYYY-MM-DD


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
Filter the content based on specific source or multiple sources by using a comma-delimited string of values.
Max: 255 characters
Validation: valid content source & case sensitive
E.g. stb,other content source(s)


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
Field name to sort [name | type | description | source].
Validation: acceptable value


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
Sort order [asc | desc].
Validation: acceptable sort order value


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
Retrieve Points of Interest related to wellness (Wellness) or Singapore Tourism Awards (STA) by using the group value(s) (Wellness, STA). Provide one value or a comma-delimited string of values.
E.g. Wellness,STA


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
The position to return from the results.
By specifying offset, you retrieve a subset of records starting with the offset value. Offset works with limit, which determines how many records to retrieve starting from the offset.
If offset value exceeds the total number of records, the response will be empty.
Default value: 0 (starts from first record).
Validation: integer


Applicable for searchType using keyword.
Maximum number of data records to return in a response.
Default set to 20, with maximum of 50. If the limit value exceeds the maximum, the response will return 50 data records.
Validation: integer

Try it out

HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



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Make a request and see the response.

Response Error Details

HTTP Code Description
Bad Request — Request was not accepted and could be due to malformed parameter (e.g. spelling error) or missing a required parameter.
Unauthorised — API key is invalid or was not provided.
Forbidden — API key does not have the permission to perform the request.
Resource Not Found — Requested resource (i.e. the resource URL) does not exist.
Method Not Allowed — The HTTP request method is not supported by the resource.
Not Acceptable — Requester's acceptable content type for the response does not match the content type returned by the resource.
Request URL Too Long — Request URL exceeded the maximum acceptable URL length.
Unsupported Media Type — Request's format is not supported by the resource.
Unprocessable Entity — Request was not accepted, often due to semantic errors, such as data format.
Server Errors — Something is not working on TIH's end, happened very rarely.

Resource Summary

Security Category

Events (Leisure)
