Search Multiple Datasets By Keyword
Resource URL /common/v2/search
Header Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
Content-Type |
Format of the request body sent. Accepts only application/json. |
X-Content-Language |
Supported language [en | zh-cn | zh-tw | ja | ko]. |
Query Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
(required) |
Dataset which the search will be executed on. Possible value(s): [accommodation, attractions, bars_clubs, cruises, events, food_beverages, mice_events, precincts, shops, tours, venues, walking_trails]. |
typeId |
Filter the content based on specific or multiple types (subcategories) of a dataset (category), by using a comma-delimited string of typeId value(s). |
keyword |
Keyword to look for within name, description, body and tags when performing the search function. |
filtersource |
Filter the content based on specific source or multiple sources by using a comma-delimited string of values. |
sort |
Field name to sort (name, rating, source, lastupdateddate ). |
sortOrder |
Sort order [asc | desc]. |
distinct |
Filters content to remove duplicated Places of Interest. |
startDate |
Event start date. |
endDate |
Event end date. |
group |
Retrieve Points of Interest related to wellness (Wellness) or Singapore Tourism Awards (STA) by using the group value(s) (Wellness, STA). Provide one value or a comma-delimited string of values. |
offset |
The position to return from the results. |
limit |
Maximum number of data records to return in a response. |
Try it out
Response Error Details
HTTP Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request — Request was not accepted and could be due to malformed parameter (e.g. spelling error) or missing a required parameter. |
401 | Unauthorised — API key is invalid or was not provided. |
403 | Forbidden — API key does not have the permission to perform the request. |
404 | Resource Not Found — Requested resource (i.e. the resource URL) does not exist. |
405 | Method Not Allowed — The HTTP request method is not supported by the resource. |
406 | Not Acceptable — Requester's acceptable content type for the response does not match the content type returned by the resource. |
414 | Request URL Too Long — Request URL exceeded the maximum acceptable URL length. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type — Request's format is not supported by the resource. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity — Request was not accepted, often due to semantic errors, such as data format. |
500 | Server Errors — Something is not working on TIH's end, happened very rarely. |
Resource Summary
Security | Category |
General |