List Countries


List Countries

Retrieve the full list of countries.

Resource URL /analytics/reference-data/v1/countries

Header Parameters

Name Values Description

Format of the response body returned. Returns only application/json.

Query Parameters

Name Values Description

Datasets information to sort by [countryDialCode | countryCode | countryName].

Default: Sorted by countryName in ascending order.

Validation: acceptable sort value


Sort order [asc | desc].

Validation: acceptable sort order value


Maximum number of results to return in a response.

Note: when limit and offset is not provided, API will return full list of countries

Validation: integer


The first position to return from the results, by offsetting the starting point.

Default sets to 0, which starts the page at the first record. If value for offset exceeds the total number of records, the response will be empty.

Validation: integer

Try it out

HTTP Basic

OAuth 2.0



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Make a request and see the response.

Make a request and see the response.

Response Error Details

HTTP Code Description
401 Unauthorised — API key is not valid.
403 Forbidden — User does not have permission to access the requested resource.
404 Resource Not Found — URI requested is not found. Ensure the URI for the API endpoint used is correct and that the path parameters are valid.
405 Method Not Allowed — HTTP method requested is not allowed.
406 Not Acceptable — Accept header is not valid. Accepts application/json only.
414 Request URL Too Long — URI exceeds limit of 2,083 characters.
422 Unprocessable Entity — Request was not accepted, often due to semantic errors, such as data format.
500 Server Error — The server you are currently trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us at or call 6684 9814.

Resource Summary

Security Category

